Friday, 18 December 2009

Pre Christmas Update

We have been very busy helping to decorate the local church for Xmas. Neil, the vicar, usually decorates his own house and people pay a donation to view the many different decorations. This year, however, his son is receiving chemotherapy treatment and Neil was advised by the doctors that it would not be a good idea to have lots of people visiting because of the risk of infection. Neil decided therefore to decorate the church instead. It has been a mammoth task, 8 Xmas trees decorated, 50+ singing Santas (all requiring fresh batteries, one of Kathy’s jobs!), numerous animated displays, it was quite an undertaking involving almost a week’s work, but good fun.

We have also visited the NZ Air Force museum out here, very interesting watching the meticulous work that goes into restoring classic aircraft, and the part they played in supporting us in the Second World War.  What was interesting was seeing the Hawker Siddeley MK1 Andover purchased from the RAF in 1976, I flew in these AC from RAF Abington back in the 70’s, and at that time they were used for Parachute training. Also many of the AC used in the RAF Canberra, Devon, Vampire, and Spitfire Etc.

Dakota AC used for VIP by RNZAF

  On Sun 13th December, Norman played in the Woolston Brass Band, performing a concert in Christchurch Cathedral. The band is the premier band in NZ and the music was truly awesome, especially as several numbers were accompanied by the massive cathedral organ.  It really did make the hairs on the back of the neck stand up! Norman was on cloud nine for quite a while, he felt so privileged to be part of it all.   

Woolston Brass Band, performing theire Christmas concert in Christchurch Cathedral

That evening we held our church Christmas carol service outside this was well attended with Santa arriving after the service on a fire engine with lots of goodies. 

 We also visited a place called Hanmer Springs for a couple of days in the mountains. 

This is a place where natural hot springs issue from the ground, and you just sit and soak up the mineral waters in pools of various temperatures, ranging from 28 degrees to 41 degrees.   Good for the old aching joints!

Of course, while we were there, Norman had to do a mountain, so he climbed Mt Isobel 1323m. He is now a fully fledged member of Christchurch Tramping Club, and is making the most of every opportunity to explore the hills and mountains here.  Kathy takes a slightly more leisurely stance, doing the less strenuous walking tracks, but there are just so many different options out here to accommodate all levels and preferences, and, (the best bit!), the weather is warm and the days long.

Mt Isobel 1323m

We are looking forward to the Barbie Xmas Day! A Very Happy Christmas to all our friends and family. Keep warm, we will be thinking of you with love.

Our little Christmas tree